Ministry Partners

“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”

James 1:27

The Church of Jesus Christ is much bigger than just a building or the people inside it. The Church is the bride of Christ comprised of all His people. Therefore, the work of the Church is also much bigger than any one organization. For this reason, we are excited to partner with various local community based ministries that have the special skills and opportunities that exceed what New Life Fellowship can do on its own.

Below is a list of our community based ministry partnerships. We highly recommend each ministry if you are in need of support, or if you are looking for somewhere you can express your faith in Christ within the local community.

The Pregnancy Centre

The Pregnancy Centre serves hundreds of families in Waterloo Region who are impacted by poverty, mental health, and generational trauma, all while pregnant or parenting. They provide families with a monthly package of diapers, wipes, and infant formula as well as free clothing, baby supplies, and emergency food. Emotional needs are supported through parenting and budgeting programs, peer mentors, and counselling services. The Pregnancy Centre believes that hope-filled futures are possible!

Crossways to Life

Crossways to Life has been assisting people in the Kitchener-Waterloo region by finding freedom in Christ through Christ-Centred counseling for the past 30 years. We teach the overwhelming truth of the Cross. So that each child of God has the opportunity to experience the power of the exchanged life which is rooted in who we are in Christ and who Christ is in us now.

e3 canada

e3 Ministry Canada (a division of e3 Partners Ministry) has a three-fold mission: we equip God’s people to evangelize His world by establishing healthy, multiplying, transformative churches everywhere. Our goal? To see a local church accessible to every person on Earth. Our vision statement was born from a startling realization: 5.2 billion people around the world are far from God and many lack access to the life-changing message of the Gospel. That’s why we diligently work to plant local churches in over 90 countries across 6 continents.

Ray of Hope

The Ray of Hope Community Centre is located in Downtown Kitchener and serves as a sanctuary for people experiencing poverty and homelessness in Kitchener -Waterloo. With daily visits up to 300 people, the Community Centre offers a warm welcome, nourishing food, and essential support. We provide various programs and resources to meet diverse needs, such as our Marketplace food hamper program, hot meals, shower and laundry facilities, haircuts, clothing, hygiene items, chaplaincy, nursing care, outreach support and a variety of other supports and services.