Jesus, Our Living Hope | John 5:1-17
Muslims and Jews have very little issues with Jesus as a teacher or prophet but they deny His resurrection - that the hope we have is a living hope in the person of Jesus Christ. We have have this living hope inside us but do we ‘live’ like we do? We often don’t because of distractions. John 5: 1-17 details the distractions of the enemy that deny us the vision of Jesus Our Living Hope.
Living with Expectancy | Acts 3:1-10
There is a season for routines, procedures, safety and predictability but there is no life in ‘them’. There is only life and power found in a Person - in the Person of Jesus Christ. As those who are in Christ - we haven’t been made subject to rules of living but we have been made alive to God in everything we do, think and say. This lends itself to unpredictability, foiled routines, subsequent danger at times but most importantly joy. Pastor Robin explains in today’s message how Acts 3:1-10 illustrates a life lived and led expectant of a good God.
What does it mean for Christ to live in me? | Galatians 2:20
Walking in the Spirit. Abiding in Christ. Resting in Jesus. Christ living through me. All of these phrases point to the same concept, that Jesus Christ now lives in and through us as the dynamic power that animates us to live the Christian life. Or as the Apostle explained it to the Galatians, “Not I, but Christ.” Join Pastor Ross as he illustrates and explains what this incredible and often misunderstood concept means in practical terms.