The Role of Deacons
When the first church erupted on the scene in Acts 2, it soon overwhelmed the apostles with the day to day administration. The result was the creation of a new and critical role within the church - the deacon. Pastor Ross explains what that role means within NLF as well as the a brief overview of the various staff and teams within the church.
Keep It Simple | 2 Corinthians 11:1-4
The gospel is meant to be simple. But as the serpent deceived Eve into believing a complicated gospel led her astray, our enemy attempts to do the same with us. This robs us of our joy, peace, hope, rest, and power that is found in the simplicity of Jesus.
Evangelism 101 | 2 Corinthians 10:12-18
We all want to see God's kingdom grow through evangelism, yet we often find it very hard to start a conversation. Pastor Ross breaks down some of the common questions that need an answer from everyone of us. Is there a God? Who is this God? Where do I stand with Him? And what should be my response to Him?
Overcoming Obstacles to Faith
Faith is foundational to the life of a Christian. We are saved by grace through faith, and we are to walk by faith and not by sight. Understanding the obstacles to faith and what we can do to overcome those obstacles can help us to experience the abundant life as we walk with God.
This week we have Shelagh Balfoort from Crossways to Life sharing.
A Surrendered Heart - The Story of Hannah | 1 Samuel 1-2
God is casting His eyes looking to and fro across the earth looking for someone that is committed to Him. This is a person whose heart is surrendered to God and His purposes. This describes the life of Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel in the Old Testament. She endured a long time of unfulfilled dreams and much pain as a result. But she never lost her faith in God, and was rewarded with a part in the story of the coming Messiah.
Stop Comparing Yourself | 2 Corinthians 10:12-13
We all do it. We compare ourselves with others in order to determine if we are worthy of love and acceptance. But when we do it, not are we being foolish, but it only ends up hurting us. Instead, we need to learn to boast in who God has made us. When we boast is what He has done, we will live in freedom.
Fight with Integrity | 2 Corinthians 10:7-11
We live in a world filled with inauthenticity. Manipulated images, disinformation, false advertising, stories where the truth is twisted or parts hidden. Which creates a world of mistrust and people bluffing with one another. The answer is to live with integrity, where you live from the new heart that God has created within each of His children. This life leads to peace, confidence, and freedom of conscience.
He Will Not Fail You | Psalm 20
Psalm 20 is a national anthem. It is a song that is a prayer for the king for battle. It is a salute to our current King, Jesus' authority. It is a challenge to read that song as a believer under grace and living in today's political system where my feelings and rights are more important than anyone else's. Can Jesus' Kingship be trusted? Can we confidently pray that His desire's are fulfilled and not ours? If we're honest with ourselves - we should take a closer look at the implication of Jesus as King.
Let's Fight | 2 Corinthians 10:1-6
Every relationship will at some point experience a time of messiness and conflict. But that conflict can be a time of growth and healing, if we learn how to fight fair. The Apostle Paul experienced a time of conflict with the church in Corinth, and we learn how Paul fought for - not against the Corinthians to earn their trust against the fortress of lies and shame from the Flesh.
What does the Resurrection mean to you? | Easter Message
The entire gospel hinges on the resurrection. It is the message of hope, freedom, and life that the church offers the world. The people of New Life share what the resurrection means for them today in this powerful Easter Sunday message.