The Old Compared to the New Covenant | Genesis 15
The greatest mistake the Church has made is mixing the Old Covenant (The Law) with the New Covenant (Grace). In doing so, we lose the power of both. Pastor Ross compares the two covenants and shows how "You shall..." becomes "I will..."
The Power to Change | Titus 2:11-14
Everyone is after the ‘Better Me’ in 2024 but that is not what God has called us to. He called us to seek first the Kingdom. So where does the power source come from to do that? Titus chapter two paints the picture and explains where that power comes from.
Has God Forgotten His Promise to Israel? | Genesis 15:18-21
The covenant that God made Abram in Genesis 15 is actually the New Covenant that Christians have with God through Jesus Christ. That reality has profound consequences, specifically for the nation of Israel. Has the church replaced Israel (aka supersessionism)? Does Israel still have a role to play with God? These questions are more are answered in this message from Pastor Ross.
The New Covenant is the Abrahamic Covenant which is Greater than the Old Covenant | Genesis 15:7-21
In Genesis chapter 15, God made a covenant with Abram. That's a big deal because that covenant is our New Covenant today. It is a covenant that God promises to do both sides, and we get to benefit from His work.
A Belief that Results in Righteousness | Genesis 15:1-6
The Christmas story has it's roots in the story of Abram in Genesis 15, when Abram believed in the promise of God that resulted in his righteousness. But what does it mean to be righteous by faith alone and how does impact us today? Join Pastor Ross Gilbert as he explores the significance of this passage.
The Intimacy of Imitation | 1 Corinthians 4:15-17
Imitation gets a bad rap. Often a form of humour and humiliation, imitation in Biblical terms and definition, was a term of honour. It demonstrated a form of allegiance that spoke of great affection between two parties. Paul urges the Corinthian Church to imitate him. Pastor Robin shares about 1 Corinthians chapter 4 as an affirmation but also a warning to the 21st Century church - to really understand the use of that verb in new covenant writings.
Understanding Covenant
The Bible is a covenant document that details the various covenants that God makes with mankind. To truly appreciate the power of that statement, and therefore to understand the kind of relationship and connection we have with God, we need to step back and understand what it is a covenant. Pastor Ross does this by examining threshold covenant in particular and how it is the basis of the first Passover in Exodus 12, which was foretelling what Christ ultimately did on the cross.
Abram Goes to War | Genesis 14
This story of Abram has everything you would want in a blockbuster movie. Political intrigue, great characters, villains, heroes, chases, epic battles, and the rescue of vulnerable people. But it is much more than that. It show us the gospel, both for us and how that is lived out in our communities.
Living a Life of Repentance | Genesis 13:1-17
The story of Lot and Abram going their separate ways has a lot more going on than meets the eye. We discover how God is moving in Abram's life to bring repentance. Abram's life was one where he was learning to trust God through obedience from the heart. This what it means to live a life of repentance, where we are learning to rely not upon ourselves, but upon God's power.
The Root and Fruit of Perfectionism: How free is free?
The need to be perfect is something that many of us can relate to on some level. Ultimately, this desire for perfection has its roots in the belief that if I work hard enough I can prove my value in what I do. But God has a better plan. He desires we look to Him for our perfection and to rest in his finished work at the cross.