Jehovah-Jireh: The Prophetic Prelude to Easter in Genesis 22:1-14
In this sermon, Pastor Ross delves into Genesis 22, verses 1-14 to uncover the profound foreshadowing of Easter within the story of Abraham and Isaac. Exploring the sacrificial journey of Genesis 22, we unravel the significance of Mount Moriah and its echoes of the Cross, revealing how Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son prefigures the ultimate act of love seen in Jesus Christ. Through careful examination, we discover the profound connection between Isaac and the ram, illuminating the profound depths of God's grace and provision. Join us as we unravel the prophetic prelude to Easter and delve into the roots of this timeless message in Genesis 22.
Get Back in the Fight | 1 Timothy 6:12
Paul tells Timothy to fight the good fight of faith. What does that mean? Taking a closer look at 1 Timothy chapter 6 - we can see that it is possible for Christians - even pastors to get out of the good fight. Pastor Robin highlights how Paul illustrates for believers the what and the how of keeping in the good fight.
Ishmael vs Isaac – An Allegory of Law vs Grace | Genesis 21:1-21
The story of Ishmael and Isaac is more than just a tale of one brother jealous of the other. It is a portrayal of Law vs Grace. Of Flesh vs Spirit. Of self-dependence vs Christ-dependent. Of death vs life. Using the Apostle Paul’s explanation in Galatians chapter 4, Pastor Ross explains what it means to live by the Spirit and not under the Law.
God's Grace on Display - The Story of Abraham and Abimelech | Genesis 20:1-18
The story of Abraham and Abimelech feels like deja-vu from his journey into Egypt. Twenty-five years later, Abraham lies about his relationship with Sarah to protect himself out of a greater fear of Abimelech than his fear of God. But it is much more than a story of Abraham's failure. It is a story of God's grace and redemption of this righteous man.
Remember Sodom and Gomorrah | Genesis 18:16-19:29
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is an important and unforgettable one. And that is by God's design and intent because it was meant to be an eternal warning to everyone about the coming judgement that each person will face in the day of Jesus' return. But if we think that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was only their immoral behaviour, then we will miss the real sin - their lack of reverence and respect of God and His authority.
Pastor Ross guides us through the famous passage and helps us identify with each of the characters and what that means for us today and in the future.
Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit
The kingdom of God is the rule of Christ. It is synonymous with the saying ‘Jesus is Lord’. Jesus’ rule is not just a place but a here and now that when we step into it we exert His authority over the kingdom of darkness wherever we go. In today’s sermon, Pastor Robin highlights how Jesus’ rule is the reason for accepting, forgiving, and rejoicing with each other as the body of Christ.
Hearing God
Every relationship is only as good as the communication. That is true in marriages, friendships, and even with co-workers. And the same is true with God. When we struggle to hear from Him, it will limit the depth to our relationship. But is hearing God as difficult as we have been led to believe? Or is it something that we are invited to grow into with our loving Heavenly Father?
Dealing with Doubt | Genesis 18:1-15
Doubt is part of the human condition. Denial, pushing it down, or ignoring it won't stop them from eating away at our hope. In Genesis 17 and 18, we see Abraham and Sarah promised a miracle which they laughed at when God first told them. Yet, their doubt didn't decide their faith. Pastor Ross explores what to do when doubt fills our mind.
The Significance of Circumcision Today | Genesis 17:1-27
In Genesis 17, we have a continuation of the terms of the covenant between God and Abram and all his descendants. In chapter 17, God changes Abram's name to Abraham, and Sarai to Sarah. But He also implements a covenant of circumcision that is much more than a physical act. It was meant as a sign to point to a greater spiritual reality that God would accomplish in the hearts of those who believe in Jesus.
Sarah and Hagar | Genesis 16:1-16
The story of Sarai and Hagar in Genesis 16 is a sad tale of what happens when we operate out of the flesh, even trying to do God's will FOR Him, but in our own strength. God wants us to wait upon Him and His power, not do it our way and on our timeline - lest we produce an Ishmael and not an Isaac.